Application of Photometric Analysis of Blood Stain to Evidence Analysis 血迹的光度法测定及其在物证分析中应用
Measuring DPA with Direct Ultraviolet Photometric Analysis in Wastewater 直接紫外光度法测定废水中的二苯胺
This paper describes the synthesis, structural appraisal, analytic property of a new type of reagent& nitrobenzothiazolyl diazoamino p nitrophenyl ( NBTDAPNP), and its application to the photometric analysis. 阐述了新试剂6-硝基-苯并噻唑-重氮氨基-4-硝基苯的合成方法、结构鉴定、分析性能及在光度分析中的应用。
Recent Advance in Photometric Analysis of Cadmium 镉的光度法分析进展
The method can be applied to the photometric analysis of cerium in rare earth ore. 可用于稀土矿石中的Ce()分光光度分析。
Photometric Analysis of Trace Cobalt 微量钴的光度分析
It includes the photometric analysis based on the quantity of phosphorus, or on the quantity of sugar and on the absorption of the base pairs. 其中包括基于磷含量的光度分析法、基于糖含量的光度分析法和基于碱基的紫外吸收光度分析法;
Study of TNR detection in detonating explosive wastewater by direct photometric analysis 炸药废水中TNR含量直接光度法测定的研究
A sequential injection photometric analysis system with automated optimization function was developed. 报道了具有自动优化功能的微机控制的顺序注射光度分析系统的研制。
Application of Rhodamine 6G in Photometric Analysis of Metal and Alloy Rh6G在金属及合金光度分析中的应用
Progress in the Photometric Analysis of Germanium 锗的光度分析进展
This method, based on photometric analysis for hydrazine, is a set of stabilized color standard slides to meet the requirements of visual colorimetric test in site. 本法是在联氨光度法的基础上制备的一组适合于目视比色法的稳定标准色阶,以适应现场监测的要求。
Application of fuzzy mathematical theory to Rapid Photometric Analysis 模糊数学理论在快速光度分析中的应用
Applications of multicomponent simultaneous determination in photometric analysis of noble metals 多组分同时测定在贵金属光度分析中的应用
Application of a radioisotopic light source in photometric analysis 放射性同位素光源在光度分析中的应用
Application of Rhodamine B Dyes in Photometric Analysis of Metals and Alloys 罗丹明B类染料在金属及合金光度分析中的应用
Application of Rhodamine Basic Dyes in Photometric Analysis 罗丹明类碱性染料在光度分析中的应用
Many methods for photometric analysis of aluminium were described. 介绍了光度法分析铝的一些方法;
Conventional spectrophotometry, flow injection photometric analysis, kinetic spectrophotometry, derivative photometry and fluorophotometry for determining europium are described. 对常规光度法,流动注射光度法,动力学光度法,导数光度法和荧光光度法的测定条件及测定范围进行了总结。
The development of vitamin C instrumental quantitative analysis in China near last 10 years with 94 references are reviewed, which including photometric analysis, electrochemical analysis and chromatographic analysis in the article. 综述了近十年来国内维生素C的仪器定量分析进展,包括光度分析法、电化学分析法和色谱分析法在食品、蔬菜、水果及药物中的维生素测定应用。引用文献94篇。
The development of the photometric analysis of chromium in China for recent years ( 2002~ 2004) was reviewed, and the general photometry, kinetic photometry, flow injection photometry and resonance fluorescence scattering photometry for chromium were mainly introduced. 综述了近年来(2002&2004年)国内铬的光度法研究进展,重点介绍了铬的吸光光度法、动力学光度法、流动注射光度法及共振光散射光度法的某些进展。
The FIA-II is according as the basic principle and determining technology of FIA, united with traits of high sensitivity and accuracy of photometric analysis, we can achieve automatic control and analysis. 流动注射智能分析FIA-Ⅱ仪器以流动注射分析的基本原理、检测技术作为基础,结合光度分析的高灵敏度、高准确度的特点,通过单片机实现自动控制与智能分析。
Quantitative Photometric Analysis of Condensation Reaction of Chitosan with Salicylaldehyde 壳聚糖与水杨醛缩合反应的光度法定量分析
Application of liquid detergent in photometric analysis of gold and its associated elements 洗洁精在金及其伴生元素光度分析中的应用
Currently, there are three main ways to analyze nucleic acid quantitatively: 1. Photometric analysis. 目前,对核酸的定量分析主要有三种方法:1、分光光度法。
Progress of photometric analysis of chromium 铬光度分析的进展
Tungsten trioxide is 99. 9% ( by scanning electron microscopy, ICP, photometric analysis). 通过扫描电镜、ICP、光度分析测定,三氧化钨可达99.9%。
A method for indirect photometric analysis of sulphate with barium chromate-arsenous oxide-EDTA has been described. 所建议的铬酸钡-氧化亚砷-EDTA间接比色测定硫酸盐的分析方法具简易、快速、准确与显色十分稳定的优点,重复性及回收试验良好。
Advances in Application Study of Chlorophosphonazo Derivatives in Rare Earth Photometric Analysis 偶氮氯膦类化合物在稀土光度分析中的应用研究进展
Optimization of the enhanced sensitization of Cd(ⅱ)-PAN photometric analysis in microemulsion medium 微乳液对Cd(Ⅱ)-PAN光度分析法的增敏条件优化研究